Advantages of Using Classiliplica Vs Classifieds Websites

The latest craze amongst the internet marketers is the Premium Classified Ads Submission. This service allows the users to place their advertisements in various top Classified ad sites such as Craigslist, Backpage and Yodlee. It also gives you the liberty of creating your own customized back links to make your advertisement highly responsive to the targeted audience. It gives you the benefit of fully responsive ads that are created in accordance with the requirements of the users. Moreover, you also get the facility of setting up custom fields to match your requirements.

With Premium Classified Ads Submission, you can create highly attractive and captivating ads and place them in prominent positions in the back links of your advertisement. These back links act as the doorway for users to view your classified ads theme. With the help of this software, you can easily create high quality ads using high response keywords and highly responsive images. You can easily create your custom classified ads theme which can be used to market your products/services to the right target market. Your advertisement can be viewed by 100% of the target audience instantly.

WordPress Theme: One of the major drawbacks with the older version of Woocommerce is that it lacked the proper WordPress theme customization options. The current version of Woocommerce has taken care of this issue and has introduced several amazing themes to cater to the needs of all online advertisers. With a good WordPress theme, you can create fully responsive ads that are easy to load and highly interactive. The latest versions of Woocommerce have further improved the designing tools of this software and introduced highly advanced graphic designing tools such as the Parallax and Graphic Settings. With the help of these tools, you can create simple ads that are highly interactive and attractive as well.

Ad Credits System: This feature lets you choose the best placement for your classified ads and in turn, increase the click through rate (CTR) and CTR ratio of your ads. The credit system uses contextual advertising and displays relevant ad units based on the information provided by your ad. For instance, if a user enters" Elementary School" as the first and last name, you will display relevant ads under the category named" Elementary School". This feature also helps you to customize the look of your ad units. The Premium version of Woocommerce comes with an advanced credit system and gives you the freedom to choose the best credit placement for your classified ad. Click here for more details about classes

Responsive themes: Today, many users prefer to use responsive design on their websites. With a responsive theme, you can easily provide targeted content to a user without forcing him to view large sized images. The Premium version of WoComply allows you to submit ads with the proper titles, descriptions and image tags according to the width and height of the browser window. You can even use multiple images to describe the same product or service in different ways. The code of each image can be modified to fit into the specific width and height specifications of the browser.

Advanced classilist features: If you want to get the most out of your ads, you should consider the importance of search engine optimization for both the text and html coding of the ad. The Classiliplates are specifically designed to meet the requirements of Google and other major search engines. In addition to this, the classilist template is also SEO friendly. You do not need to worry about optimization since the template is automatically SEO optimized. The Premium version is also available in various languages such as German, French, Japanese and more.


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